Hyrstmount Junior School

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Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School




'Pupils enjoy coming to school. Staff have high expectations of pupils.  They know their pupils very well. Adults have established a positive environment where everyone gets along. Pupils behave well around school. They feel safe.' Ofsted Report Nov 2021


Our Motto ‘Believe to Achieve’ is evident in every aspect of school life.

Welcome to our school website. As Hyrstmount Junior School’s headteacher, I am privileged to be able to work with enthusiastic childrenMatthew Leach who are eager to learn and achieve in all that they do.

Staff, governors and parents share high expectations of our pupils and, together, we pride ourselves in the warm, caring ethos that exists in our friendly school.

Although children’s academic success in English and maths is very important to us, we firmly believe in developing the whole child and provide opportunities for each and every pupil to shine, celebrating achievement and nurturing individual talent.  Positive partnerships with the local community are key to our children's success and we work hard to involve families in their children's learning.  Please take a look at what our school has to offer by exploring our website and feel free to visit us and learn first hand what a wonderful place Hyrstmount Junior School is.


Matthew Leach



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WEDNESDAY 8th january 2025