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- Latest KS2 Results
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- British Values
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It is important that your child attends school every day. If your child is ill or absent, please let us know either in writing, or by phone (326700).
We need to know beforehand if a child has to leave school early or have time off during the day for medical appointments and we will only allow children to go if collected by a parent or another known adult. If children are ill at school, we will make them as comfortable as possible and contact you immediately.
Extended Leave
The law states that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Exceptional, by its very definition, means that very few holidays can be authorised. If parents are thinking of taking their child out of school for an extended period, they need to arrange an appointment to speak with the headteacher. Parents will also be asked to fill in a standard application form. If extended leave is not authorised by the headteacher and parents remove their child from school, the school is legally obliged to issue penalty notice fines. Penalty notices are £80 per parent, per child, so a family of 4 would be fined £320 which must now be paid within 21 days.