Hyrstmount Junior School

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Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School Life at Hyrstmount Junior School

Standards & Effectiveness Committee

 Purpose of the Standards and Effectiveness Committee

To provide support and challenge to the leadership of the school and to hold them to account in relation to the quality of educational provision including: the quality of teaching and learning, pupil progress and outcomes for pupils; the quality of the curriculum provision and delivery; behaviour and safety of pupils.


Click here to access more detailed information about the role of the Standards and Effectiveness Committee.


The Standards and Effectiveness Committee meets at least once a term, prior to the Full Governing Body Meeting. The following governors sit on this committee:



Mr M Leach (Headteacher)

Abeda Adam

Samira Karolia 

Lee Miller (Chair)

Rachel Morton